The Book Snob Tag

Hey everyone!
I have recently tried to make a plan so that I post on my blog every day. So far it is going pretty well, but I’m not sure how long it is going to last…

Tuesday’s are now designated tag days!
I saw The Book Snob Tag a few months back on A Little Haze Book Blog, and decided to give it a go this week.

Adaptation Snob: Do you always read the book before you see the film?

I do try to, but it doesn’t always happen. But watching the film first does sometimes have its perks… I often find if I watch a film after the book, I am constantly pointing out what the film has missed or changed, which can be quite annoying.

Format Snob: You can only choose 1 format in which to read books for the rest of your life. Which one do you choose: physical books, eBooks, or audiobooks?

Always physical books! There is something so much more satisfying about holding a physical book, and turning the pages. I do own an Amazon Fire, but I only really use it for NetGalley books, and author requests/blog tours that are eBooks.

Ship Snob: Would you date or marry a non-reader?

Considering I am getting married next year, and my fiancé doesn’t read much, I think the answer to this is fairly self-explanatory.

Genre Snob: You have to ditch one genre – never to be read again for the rest of your life. Which one do you ditch?

Romance. It just really isn’t my sort of things!

Uber Genre Snob: You can only choose to read from one genre for the rest of your life. Which genre do you choose?

Either thriller, or horror. I can’t decide between the two. They are pretty much all I read anyway!

Community Snob: Which genre do you think receives the most snobbery from the bookish community?

Horror. Yes there is a section of the bookish community that are die hard horror fans, particularly Stephen King fans, but it is only a small section, and I feel like the rest of the community snubs it a little. Although, I would say that the community as a whole seems to embrace King a little more than the rest of the horror genre, probably because his work isn’t solely horror, and because of his huge success with films as well as books.

As always, I’m not going to tag anyone in particular to do this but if you do want to, then consider yourself tagged!
If you do decide to do this tag, please pingback to this post so that I can read your answers!

4 thoughts on “The Book Snob Tag

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    1. Yes, Stephen King is amazing! But there are other horror writers who are equally as good and get not even near as much recognition!


      1. Winners take all in the writing game. I am probably one of the Stephen King snobs tbh, I don’t really read anyone in that genre except King, but then again I don’t read much fiction in general so I would probably be seen as a massive philistine in my reading habits 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Try James Herbert! In my opinion, he is better than King (I do love King though)! that’s fair enough, haha.


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