Blog Tour: The Last Thing You’ll Hear by Jan Dunning

Hey everyone!
Today is my stop on the blog tour for The Last Thing You’ll Hear by Jan Dunning. I am excited to be sharing an excerpt post with you all, so you can get a little taste for the book!

A massive thank you to @KaleidoscopicBT and @Scholastic for allowing me to be a part of the tour.

Title: The Last Thing You’ll Hear
Author: Jan Dunning
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: 20th June 2024
Genre: Thriller
Age: Young Adult
Page Count: 400
Buy It Here: Amazon UK

Book Summary:

Have you ever been so obsessed with someone that you start to lose yourself?

Wren and Lark are rivals first and sisters second, so when mysterious music producer, Adam, and his DJ prodigy, Spinner, come to their small town, the game is on to impress.

Lark is soon taken under Adam’s wing, but as she’s pulled deeper into his web, distancing herself from friends and family, Wren starts to suspect that there’s a more sinister side to Adam. And when the sisters get a chance to perform at Enrapture the most talked-about festival of the summer, suddenly there is a lot to lose…

Can Wren put her own ambitions aside to save her sisters life?

One thing’s for sure: after this summer, nothing will ever be the same again.


A microphone screeches with feedback. Danny winces. I jump.
“OK, people! Who’s ready for karaoke?”
There’s a groan from the crowd, but Charlie calls birthday privileges and in seconds Jem’s set has been binned. As the dance floor thins out, Charlie and her gang crowd round her phone, queuing up songs on an app. As the jerky string intro to “Toxic” kicks in, I brace myself for Charlie’s Britney imitation. She throws everything into it, oblivious to the sniggers of the crowd, blowing kisses and curtseying at the end.
“Tempted?” Danny nods towards the stage.
“You must be joking,” I mouth back.
“Who’s next?” Charlie calls, holding out the mic.
I close my eyes. I know what’s coming.
“Lark, you go!”
“Yeah, go on, Lark!”
“Lark! Lark!”
And there it is. Because if it wasn’t enough that Lark is supermodel stunning, Little Miss Popular and the golden child of the Mackenzie family all in one…
My sister can also sing.
Really sing.
The X Factor. The Voice. Whatever you want to call it, she’s got it. And the most annoying thing of all?
She doesn’t care.
Lark’s friends push her up on to the stage. Taking the mic from Charlie, the first thing she does is kick off her platform shoes. It looks cool and effortless, like everything she does.
“What shall I sing?”
“Whatever you want!” Aisha shouts, waving Charlie’s phone.
Lark shrugs. “I don’t mind. You pick.”
A moment later, a sensuous beat kicks in and a slow guitar riff plays languidly over the top. “Dangerous Woman”. Wow. That’s quite a song choice. But can Lark pull off an Ariana cover?
I sigh.
Of course she can.
The second the first lyric drops, the crowd stills. Conversations hush. Everybody stares. Not because Lark sounds like Ariana – she doesn’t. This is not an impression. Her voice is unique, entirely her own. Pure, clear, almost otherworldly…
And she doesn’t even have to try.
Danny nudges me. “You okay?”
I nod, and plaster on a smile, shoving down the ugly thoughts that always seem to surface whenever I hear Lark sing.
Why her? Why not me?
Lark doesn’t take music A level. She’s never had a singing lesson in her life. I’m the one who lives and breathes music, who plays piano and guitar – and even the bloody violin for god’s sake. I’m the one with the lyric notebook and the phone full of voice note recordings, the one who hears songs in her sleep. I’m the one who dreams of playing sold-out stadiums filled with rapturous crowds singing my own words back to me.
I’m a good musician, I know that.
But Lark was born to be a star.
As she reaches the chorus, her voice soars, hitting the high notes with ease. My sister has a range to die for, seriously.
“She’s killing it,” Danny whispers, gaping at the awestruck faces all around. “Look at them, under her spell.”

About The Author:

Jan Dunning’s debut Mirror Me, a YA thriller that reimagined the tale of Snow White, set in the high-fashion world was crowned winner of the Oxfordshire Children’s Book Award 2024.

A former fashion model, Jan lives in Bath with her family, and in addition to her writing and photography, works as an art teacher.

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