Indie/Self Published Spotlight: The Unwanted by Z.T. Soyoye

Hey everyone!
It’s time for this week’s indie/self-published spotlight, and today I will be spotlighting The Unwanted by Z.T. Soyoye.

Title: The Unwanted
Author: Z.T. Soyoye
Publisher: Self-Published
Release Date: 24th February 2020
Page Count: 260
Genre: Fantasy, Mystery
Age Category: 12+
Buy It Here: Amazon UK

Book Blurb:

Let the Lightning Engulf you.

15-year-old Alexander Charon embarks on his journey at a new school as he struggles to form bonds and relationships with those around him. He begins to unravel his hidden talents, forcing his life to take an unexpected turn as he witnesses the murder and kidnapping of his friends.

He must use his newly found skills to solve mysteries and protect those he cares for before it’s too late. Can Alex rise up as he attempts to persevere against adversities? Or will he fall into despair as hope dwindles with each new obstacle?

About The Author:

Z.T.Soyoye was born in the spring in Casablanca, Morroco. Raised in Lagos, Nigeria. Developed in the United Kingdom. Writing has always been a cathartic experience for him and turning his passion for telling stories into a career as an Author has been one of his significant accomplishments.

His career started picking up in 2016 when he got his first big break. Since then, he has been improving his writing techniques and developing a unique writing style in order to provide the most immersive experience to his readers. He was able to grow an amazing community that supported and encouraged him and in 2020, released his debut novel The Unwanted.

Recently he developed a new platform for writers and readers to instantly illustrate any novel called Visual Novel. A Next Generation Reading and Writing Tool.

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If you’re an indie/self-published author and would like to have your book featured for a spotlight, you can fill out my Google form HERE!

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