Author Guest Post – Jeff Walker

Hey everyone!
I have a review up tomorrow, so I am posting a guest posts instead.
So, for today’s post, here is an author guest post.

This week, we have Jeff Walker!

Tell us a bit about yourself…

Hello, my name is Jeff Walker (sometimes going by Jeff S. Walker), I’m the author of several books/short stories (The Mysterious World of Professor Darkk And Miss Shadow, Outer Red series) including my recent novella: The Long Lost War. I’m a Canadian living in the province of Ontario and married with two very overly energetic children. I’m a big science fiction fan (Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5…) and I’m trying my best not to lose my mind while stuck at home from the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Social/physical distancing is not a scam and don’t let anyone tell you this whole pandemic is either. People are dying from this, lots of people, so let’s do our part and listen to the healthcare providers. Stay home, stay safe and read a book!

When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?

I’ve been very imaginative all my life, but I wasn’t really thinking I’d focus on being an author until much later. I studied to be a graphic designer and tried to create a self-published comic book. Unfortunately, my life had many setbacks on that dream, and I focused more on my writing instead. I delved into fan fiction, with a lot of success building a fandom of my own, so then I thought, “Why the heck don’t I try to make my own characters and stories?”

I had some short stories I collectively put into my first published work, Distant Saga Trilogy: A Short Story Collection, and found out the hard way that self-publishing is a very daunting task. I made my own cover (which after a few critiques I had to redesign…), learned that I didn’t edit or format properly, basically it became a nightmare for me. I had to overhaul the book and create a revised edition. I’m learning so much as I produce each title, researching and talking with other authors about their experiences. I’ve come a long way and getting better with each book.

Which authors inspire you the most?

I’ve had quite a few, but I’ll narrow it down to three of my top ones. William Gibson is a fantastic author and the father of the Cyberpunk genre. I’ve always enjoyed his work and was a huge favorite during my college years. Arthur C. Clarke was another inspiration during that time. I loved reading the many Space Odyssey novels. But the author that sparked my interest the most (who I will always credit for it) was Dennis E. Taylor (Bobiverse series 1-3, Outland, The Singularity Trap), his books gave me the nudge to continue making my own and brought me into the audiobook market as well. Truly, I was a firm believer after that. Thanks, Dennis.

Where do you find the most inspiration for your books?

I would have to say the news or media of the day subliminally gives me inspiration. But I’ve had moments where I’m just driving down an open road and my mind thinks of unusual situations or characters. That’s what got me going on a few of my new titles I’m working on.

Do you have a typical writing system/ritual?

I tend to write the plot of the book, give it a creative title, think on it before committing and start the writing process. I wish I could say I do the whole outline method, but that doesn’t work for me. I write based on my dreams and nightmares that I’ve had of the stories. I can remember the visual representation of the storyline and feel my way through the rest. That might be chaotic for some, but it works for me. I just know where the story is going at all times. Like I said, I’m working on several titles at once, but I know where each story and character will be in the chapters.

Name one book that you think everyone should read in their lifetime, and explain why.

I’m going to say, Treasure Island, and that might not be what you’d think I would recommend. But as a book, it is absolutely the best read and full of wonderful characters. Probably the best book from my childhood, the first one I ever read that I didn’t get bored with. Its got everything; Pirates, adventure, friendships and of course—treasure!

You can find Jeff here:


Check out Jeff’s Science Fiction/Romance book, The Long Lost War:

Far from Earth, in a distant solar system, clone soldiers are stuck in an on-going battle against colonial separatists. John 999801 must battle against an enemy that refuses to give up, and dreams of a woman he feels he’s seen before. The life of this low ranking clone soldier is about to take a turn for the worst. Or is it going to open his eyes to the truth? Can one clone soldier make a difference? And who is the woman in his dream? Answers and horrors await him as he joins his fellow replicas to the surface of a planet called… Hell.

You can purchase it here: Amazon UK (affiliate link), Amazon US

Thank you so much Jeff, for taking part in my guest posts!

Anyone who would like to be featured for a guest post on my blog, there are 2 separate question sheets, one for bloggers, and one for authors! Both sheets have all of the information you will need.

Here are the links:

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