BBNYA Ultimate Blog Tour Review: The Lore of Prometheus by Graham Austin-King

Hey everyone!
Today is my stop on the ultimate blog tour for BBNYA 2020 WINNER, The Lore of Prometheus by Graham Austin-King, and I am excited to share my review with you all.

Title: The Lore of Prometheus
Author: Graham Austin-King
Release Date: 30th November 2018
Publisher: Fallen Leaf Press
Page Count: 287
Buy It Here (affiliate links): Amazon UK, WaterstonesBook Depository

Book Blurb:

John Carver has three rules: Don’t drink in the daytime, don’t gamble when the luck has gone, and don’t talk to the dead people who come to visit.

It has been almost five years since the incident in Kabul. Since the magic stirred within him and the stories began. Fleeing the army, running from the whispers, the guilt, and the fear he was losing his mind, Carver fell into addiction, dragging himself through life one day at a time.

Desperation has pulled him back to Afghanistan, back to the heat, the dust, and the truth he worked so hard to avoid. But there are others, obsessed with power and forbidden magics, who will stop at nothing to learn the truth of his gifts. Abducted and chained, Carver must break more than his own rules if he is to harness this power and survive

My Review:

I have to admit, The Lore of Prometheus is a little out of my usual comfort zone, but the book blurb sounded extremely promising, and I was happy to get it as one of my 3 allocated books to read in the final round of BBNYA 2020. Well, after reading it, I can honestly say that this book was so much more than I had expected!

One of my favourite things about this book from the very beginning, is the fantastic job the author does of showing the struggles of post war PTSD and how difficult it is to live with. But, at the same time, he actually manages to make even the PTSD side of the story a little more light hearted. Carver’s “visitors” are definitely a fun bunch, despite the fact that they are constantly bleeding over everything… Turner in particular was a favourite of mine, your stereotypical Scotsman, who is always cracking a joke, even in the awful situations.

I really enjoyed all of the characters in the story, and felt that they all brought a little bit of individuality to it. Carver’s attitude and approach to life was a lot of fun to read, and as a martial artist myself I really admired his skills in that particular area. Mackenzie is also a great character, who is very strong willed, and extremely likeable.

The story itself is so interesting, full of excitement, and at times unbelievably intense. It is action packed from beginning to end, and I loved the mix of dark magic and war. The way the two came together worked extremely well, and is something that I have never seen done in this particular way. The war aspect was very well written, and clearly the author has done a lot of research on it, which benefitted the book in a huge way. The descriptions were so detailed you could actually picture it in your head. The magic being thrown in to the mix really added a whole new level to the story, and I loved seeing the characters grow in to their powers and take control of them, and the situation. I found it impossible to put this book down!

The Lore of Prometheus became one of my top 5 favourite books that I read in 2020, and I will certainly be reading more from the author in the future.

A huge congratulations to Graham Austin-King on winning the first ever Book Bloggers Novel of the Year Award!

I give The Lore of Prometheus a 5 star rating!

I received this book to read and review as part of the BBNYA 2020 competition and/or the BBNYA tours organised by the @The_WriteReads tours team. All opinions are my own, unbiased and honest.

About The Author:

Graham Austin-King was born in the south of England and weaned on broken swords and half-forgotten spells.

A shortage of these forced him to consume fantasy novels at an ever-increasing rate, turning to computers and tabletop gaming between meals.

He experimented with writing at the beginning of an education that meandered through journalism, international relations, and law. To this day he is committed to never allowing those first efforts to reach public eyes.

After spending a decade in Canada learning what ‘cold’ really means, and being horrified by poutine, he settled once again in the UK with a seemingly endless horde of children.

To date he is the author of five novels, drawing on a foundation of literary influences ranging from David Eddings to Clive Barker.

Website, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, GoodReads, BookBub

About BBNYA:

BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors. 

If you are an author and wish to learn more about the 2021 BBNYA competition, you can visit the official website ( or our Twitter account, @BBNYA_Official. If you would like to sign-up and enter your book, you can find the BBNYA 2021 AUTHOR SIGN UP FORM HERE. Please make sure to carefully read our terms and conditions before entering. 

If you are a book blogger or reviewer, you can apply to be part of BBNYA 2021 by filling out this form (also remember to read the terms and conditions before signing up)! 

BBNYA is brought to you in association with the Folio Society (If you love beautiful books you NEED to check out their website!) And the book blogger support group TheWriteReads.

Disclaimer: My posts often include affiliate links, which means that I receive a small commission for any purchase made through my links, but with no extra charge to you. Thank you for supporting me and my blog.

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