Blog Tour Review: Dark Eyes: White Lies by M.R. Noble

Hey everyone!
Today is my second stop on the blog tour for The Dark Eyes series by M.R.Noble. Today, I am excited to be sharing my review for book 2, Dark Eyes: White Lies, with you all!

A massive thank you to @The_WriteReads for allowing me to be a part of the tour.

Title: Dark Eyes: White Lies
Author: M.R. Noble
Release Date: 29th March 2023
Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Genre: Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
Page Count: 256
Buy It Here (affiliate link): Amazon UK

Book Blurb:

Blackmailed into espionage, Karo must lie to one man while she fights her cravings for another. As spy partners, Karo is forced to work with Andre, the vampire she swore to never trust again. The accidental vampiric bond they have threatens to bend her into submission. But is her will actually weak, or does she want an excuse to give in?

Roman’s patience teeters on Karo’s deception. Bitter, desperate, and vengeful, Karo dutifully completes her missions while withholding data from her uncle Loukin’s operation. She swore to get out from under his thumb, even if she has to break a few hands. Each assignment brings her closer to uncovering his goal, and using it against him, but she also draws closer to new foes. And they all want the same thing—Karo’s secrets.

My Review:

Having previously read Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes (book 1 of the series), and really enjoying it, I was super excited to dive in to Dark Eyes: White Lies, and to see how the story continued. Well, it certainly didn’t let me down!

The story picks up right where it left off, and catapults you straight in to Karolina’s world. As it had been so long since I read book 1, I had to familiarise myself with all of the characters again, but it didn’t take too long to get comfy again. I knew that there was certainly danger and chaos to come, because there’s never a quiet moment in the life of Karolina Dalca, and I didn’t have to wait long for it to begin.

Karo lives life very much on the edge. The danger she puts herself in by deceiving her uncle is no joke, but she’s more than willing to take the risk if it means she can bring him down. She’s an absolute powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with, and one hell of a female lead. I would probably say that she is one of my favourite female fictional characters.

There’s some very confusing and complicated relationships in the book, including the love triangle between Karo, Andre and Roman. I was unsure who I actually wanted Karo to end up with, and my mind changed multiple times throughout the book, but by the end, I had made up my mind and I was so invested. I’m not usually a big fan of love triangles, but I really enjoyed this one, and the way it effected other parts of the story.

There is a lot of violence in this series. There seems to be a new danger or fight around every corner, and I absolutely love it! On top of that, a lot of the characters have their powers, and nothing makes a fight scene more enjoyable than a touch of magic! It adds a whole new dimension of excitement. I also love how they can draw their different forms of magic from different elements. Those powers, and the violence, come together in an explosive climax, with huge revelations that I could not have predicted. I was clinging to the edge of my seat, but the book ends on a cliffhanger, and now I NEED to know what comes next.

From beginning to end, this book is filled with a fiery intensity, excitement, and more danger than you can imagine. It seems that Karo has learnt some very important and valuable lessons in this book, and hopefully she will carry those forward in to the next. Fingers crossed I won’t have to wait too long to find out.

I give Dark Eyes: White Lies a 4 star rating!

About The Author:

M. R. Noble has played a tug of war between science and art her whole life, but the rope broke when she wrote the first line of The Dark Eyes Series. Immersed up to her keyboard in paranormal romance and urban fantasy, she enjoys blending the real with the surreal.

The only drawback is she misplaces her mug while dreaming up her next scene, and soon finds herself six cups overpoured.

Keeping to her Lake Simcoe roots, she is a member of the Writers Community of York Region (WCYR), where her muse is made not found.


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