Review: Bad Apple by Alice Hunter

Hey everyone!
Today, and I am excited to be sharing my review of Bad Apple by Alice Hunter with you all.

Title: Bad Apple
Author: Alice Hunter
Release Date: 11th April 2024
Publisher: Avon Books
Genre: Thriller
Age Group: Adult
Page Count: 384
Buy It Here: Amazon UK

GoodReads Synopsis:

How can you live with yourself when you find out the man you love is rotten to the core?

Prepare to be hooked by Alice Hunter’s addictive new novel – so shocking it should come with a warning!

Trusted officer. Family man. Monster.

Becky’s life has been shattered. When she discovered her husband, John – a policeman she once trusted – was a monster, she reported him. But it didn’t lead to any charges. Now, John lives freely with a new girlfriend and her daughter – while Becky battles guilt for missing the obvious signs.

Determined for justice, Becky confronts John. But he targets her. He wants her silenced – and at any cost. And now, survival is the only option because he’s not the only bad apple lurking in the shadows…

A gripping psychological suspense about betrayal, courage, and the darkness that can hide behind a seemingly trustworthy façade.

Perfect for fans of The Doctor’s Wife, Suspects and the Netflix hit TV series You. 

My Review:

Having previously read The Serial Killer’s Wife by Alice Hunter, I was looking forward to reading another book by the author, and I actually ended up enjoying Bad Apple more.

The story begins with a horrific incident involving an off duty officer, and the aftermath that follows. The opening chapter is a tough read, and I highly recommend checking trigger warnings, but it sets the tone for the entire book. We then move on to Becky, an ex-officer who was struck off for speaking out against a higher ranking officer, an officer who at the time was her husband. Becky knows what John is, and what he has done, and the story follows Becky as she does everything in her power to show the world what type of man he truly is.

I liked Becky. She was clearly deeply troubled, and had been through a hell of a lot, but I was routing for her to bring John down, to have people on her side, and to get her happy ending that she deserves. Her memory was at times hazy, which made the storyline much more unpredictable, because her thoughts and recollections became unreliable. The unreliable narrator trope is one my favourites, so I loved this aspect of the book.

There was a big twist towards the end of the story, but I had already made a slight guess at it before the big reveal. Nevertheless, it was still a very enjoyable reveal, in the midst of an intense showdown that kept you on the edge of your seat.

The story highlights the ongoing issues within the police, and how we (especially us women) are no longer sure if officers can be trusted. It’s a sad reality that we are all facing. This book was exciting and tense from the very start, and the final lines sets you up perfectly for a sequel, which I will definitely be reading!

I give Bad Apple a 4 star rating!

*Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books for my advanced copy, in exchange for an honest review*

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